Welcome, as well as rabbits
Welcome to the newest section of my portfolio web site: the spiffy photo blog. ย Although you may have perused the galleries, they’re fairly static. ย While I may update them with “best of” images from time to time, the galleries aren’t meant to be a showcase for my day-to-day photos and designs. ย And that’s where this blog comes in. ย Whether it’s a new client photoshoot, a design project, or just some fun with Photoshop, this is the place to keep up with my adventures in the world of digital imaging. ย Check back every couple days for updates, or subscribe to the RSS feed. ย Comments are always appreciated – let me know what you like, what you’d like to see more of, or any other feedback you feel like sharing :)
Since a simple welcome message isn’t the most thrilling introductory postย in the world, I thought I’d kick off the blog with a healthy dose of cuteness. ย This January, I had the privilege of photographing Carol’s angora rabbits, and the following photos are just a small sample of the adorableness. ย Enjoy!