The blustery November breezes are tearing down the last of the leaves, but before we’ve forgotten autumn color entirely, here’s a tribute to the prettiest of it all: the maple leaves.
This summer, we took a look at Council, Idaho’s oddball Fourth of July tradition: a porcupine race. ย It may have taken a while, but I never completely forgot about posting part II as promised. ย Enjoy the craziness, and if you’re confused (or merely craving more images of racing porcupines / a rural Independence Day parade), catch up on the first part here.
You’ve seen Heidi and Bryce’s engagement photos and wedding portraits in photo blog entries past; now we’re taking one more entry to look at a few shots from their wedding reception back in July. ย Enjoy, and congrats one last time to them both!
Seasons aren’t the only thing changing. ย The class of 2012 is starting to think to the future, and one of the rites of passage along the way is senior photos. ย Here are a few of my favorite shots from a session downtown a couple weeks ago with Mikayla, a gorgeous senior at Meridian High School.