A very merry Christmas to one and all! ย Wherever you are, may your holiday be blessed…and if you’re not feeling the Christmas spirit, maybe you just need some sparkly photos to get into the season. ย Enjoy!
It’s that time of year again – ’tis the season to be sparkly! ย Enjoy this series of glittery Christmas lights and ornaments from this year’s Festival of Trees, and look for more soon.
Merry Christmas to one and all! ย Here’s wishing you a magical holiday – may it be blessed and filled with shiny things, such as the ones pictured in this post!
Hope every is having a fantastic Christmas Eve! ย In the spirit of the holiday weekend, enjoy part II of the series of Christmas tree/lights/ornaments photos from Boise’s Festival of Trees last month.
Holiday cheer, inventive decorations, and many sparkly things at Boise’s annual Festival of Trees – how could you resist? ย And how could I narrow my favorite photos from the event down to just one entry? ย Look for two more in the near future, and have a holly jolly almost-December!