Sure, it’s a bit breezy in Boise this April, but still, what a beautiful time of year. ย Blossoms and flowers all over town – it’s stunning! ย Here’s what I see when I walk outside these days.
With summer almost upon us, let’s take a look back to slightly cooler days of spring when blossoms covered Boise – apple, weeping cherry, thundercloud plum, magnolia, and more. ย Want more springtime goodness? ย Head in the direction of the tulip/daffodil entry!
If you asked me what my favorite color was when I was little, I might have said blue. ย (Or maybe pink – it was a long time ago.) ย During my emo stage, I might have said black. ย Now I’d say all of them. ย It’s not that I love all colors indiscriminately; it’s that I love them all together. ย I love the rainbow rows of nail polish in the store better than the individual colors themselves. ย I love the paint swatches all lined up together instead of a single hue. ย And luckily for me, whatever the fashion world decides, in the world of nature at this time of year (…in the northern hemisphere), rows upon rows of color will always be in.
I shot a bunch of photos in Boise’s Hyde Park this afternoon for fun, and the following are some of the most colorful shots of the day. ย There are plenty more, though, so check back soon for differently-themed entries including more pictures from Hyde Park!
I don’t know about the rest of the world, but it’s been a long winter here in Boise. ย Not particularly cold or snowy for the last couple months–just a never-ending landscape of gray dreariness. ย But now, mid-April, the valley is finally starting to spring into bloom.