One of my friends recently asked me what I did with all my extra photos–you know, the ones that don’t make the final cut for an album. ย It’s a fair question: if I take well over 100 photos in an hour and only retouch 40 of those, what happens to all the others? ย Sadly, the answer is that most of these extras end up getting archived on my hard drive, never to see the light of internet stardom. ย It’s not that they’re badย photos (well, most of them). ย Some might be alternate angles and zooms on the same pose. ย Others might be shots I loved but just weren’t quiteย as good as the ones that made the grade for retouching. ย Tragic, but just as you can’t hug every cat, you can’t retouch every photo.
But that’s where the photo blog comes in. ย Every so often, I get to go through the archives, stumble across some favorite shots that didn’t make the original cut…and have a venue for posting the “new” photos. ย Kate’s photo session was way back in February, but that doesn’t mean the outtakes were forgotten! ย Here are a few of the best b-sides, as well as my favorite images from the original album.
[…] I’m always on the lookout for new Boise locations for photoshoots (the Train Depot and Kathryn Albertson Park just get so crowded sometimes, unfortunately), and with its many beautiful bridges and paths, the MK Nature Center by Municipal Park seemed like it had great possibilities. ย When we finally had a break in the below-freezing temperatures last winter, my gorgeous friend Kate and I went to check it outย for a primarily-natural-light photoshoot. ย She’s a natural model and the remaining snow on the ground acted as a natural reflector, so all elements combined for some pretty beautiful shots! ย Check out some favorites below (with more on the Facebook page), and for a real blast from the past, check out the first photoshoot I did with Kate years and years ago here! […]